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The Indian History of the Modoc War

The Indian History of the Modoc War

Jeff C. Riddle

As a boy, Jeff Riddle watched while U.S. General Canby and other Peace Commissioners were killed by the angered Modoc Chief (Captain Jack) and his men. Jeff Riddle was a relation of Jack’s, and the history Riddle produced is respected for its attention to detail, chronology, and careful presentation of evidence. Riddle’s celebrated mother, Toby Riddle, had sometimes led the Modocs in battle against neighboring tribes, but during the war with the U.S. Army, she saved many lives on both sides while serving as interpreter for the Modocs and whites.

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Alan Rosenus
20621 Lomita Ave.
Saratoga, CA  95070

*$13.95 cover price plus $4 shipping

Reviews:San Francisco Chronicle wrote:

“This man was a remarkable historian.”

Richard Dillon, author of Burnt-out Fires: California's Modoc Indian War wrote:

"Absolutely essential!"